Sunday, 2 October 2011

My message to the world!

A little bit about what I have been up to…

Though I am writing this out of love for all the innocent people, this message is more for those who are trying to control the world today, and even have control over you and your life.

I know everything there is to know about the Internet through my experiences in the last five years. I know which corporations own the Internet, I know everything about the two people that own Google, and even know the inventors and owners of the fiber optics necessary to run the Internet. I know of the people that are trying to control the world today, and even what the agenda is. The reason behind me doing this is because I also love to play the game of chess. To have the upper hand in any game of chess is to learn as much as you can about your opponent before playing. I have kept well hidden and well behaved within the world.  About the most wrongdoing you will get out of me are a couple of minor traffic violations, which I dutifully paid, keeping the receipts of course. I know these people on the other side of the board can put anything on me, and I know the risks of writing and revealing all of this. But that will be beside the point after you read it through.

One thing I believe in most of all is FREEDOM OF SPEECH.   Fair enough if someone is verbally abusing you or someone, then I also see this as unacceptable behavior, but I cannot see how showing love to people is wrong.  Once I see sites abusing this, then I feel it is my duty as a citizen, to let the people know.  I am a nobody to these people trying to control, a tiny pawn on their chessboard.  Right now, I am about to put the controlling people at CHECK, and if they do not hear me out my next move will be checkmate.  Preferably, I would like to have a stalemate, as I believe that every person should get a fair chance.

A message to the small group of people trying to control the world.

I hope I have shown you by now that I have come from nowhere, and joined this game of chess to end it once and for all. I was taught the game of chess by an extremely good teacher (My Grandfather).  Although I have never beaten him in a game, I believe he was teaching me something far greater than just a game on a board, namely life itself. Although I had never won, I always enjoyed playing, win or lose it made no difference to me. All that counted was that I enjoyed playing the game, and always had fun with it.
Now I must ask you some questions: do you enjoy playing the game? Do you enjoy it even when you lose? If not, then why do you keep playing this game? This game has been played so many times throughout history, and good always wins eventually, but it always follows the trappings of letting a small group of people attempt to control the world.   So now I am playing a new game, which has not been played for a long time.  

The best thing for me now is having the means to help people on a global scale via the Internet.  The Internet can be used for so much good, but yet you controllers are using it as a psychological weapon against innocent and unsuspecting people. I am one, and I will soon be part of many, and I am saying NO MORE. NO MORE to killing innocent people. I am not a violent person, and do not believe in killing people. I am not threatening anyone with bombs or trying to kill anyone here. I urge the innocent people out there not to do this either, as you will become no better than those people trying to control. If you commit their harms you will become one of them, and I refuse to help those who kill.  For those choosing to see me as a terrorist, then yes, I am a terrorist of peace.
My aim is to bring back a balance within our world, where all of the people are in control and all have a voice and an opinion, not the 2% that are trying to control everyone now.  We are the 98%, so the odds are in our favor.  You with control are the few, and we are the many.  Right now it does not bother me if you are human or alien, I know of all the technology, and mass destructive weapons you have. But I have a weapon far greater than you can ever possess, and that is the human spirit. You can blow us all up, but you still will never destroy the human spirit.  I know you will not like what I am trying to do here, because it is interfering with your selfish agenda. Realize that I have an agenda also, which is to help as many innocent people as I can. You must understand this. I know I am not going to help save everyone, but you must allow me to at least help some to save themselves. 

There is one thing that does not make sense to me at all, and that is why are you so afraid of people coming forward to tell the truth? If you are so unafraid of these people, then why make all the lies to cover up another lie and then another? If there are these other beings here, why not tell us? There is no shame in asking for help. People are not stupid anymore. People are waking up to all the lies that have been told, and you’re only making yourselves look silly now by proliferating the deception. I hope you realize that people are more forgiving these days, and while there are many that do not care, there are also more and more people that can help others to understand what is going on. 

I have one final request before I leave this world. It is for my children, for the innocent people, and for those whose words cannot be heard. My request is this:  
All I want is you people to stop the killing of innocent people. If you want, we can stick all of you that want to kill on an island somewhere where you can kill each other. But there is no need to be killing the innocent that do not want to be involved in your childish games. This is an easy and a fair request, and one that needs to be done as soon as possible; I believe you have enough bad people in the world today to fill your quota. You have three options, as I do not negotiate with terrorists that are trying to kill innocent people. Those three options are:

1.  You can choose to try and kills us all, with all of your mass destructive weapons, which will only leave you with control over nothing, and a dead world.

 2.  You can lay down your arms and surrender peacefully, which even the innocent people would prefer you to do, and which is the wisest thing to do.

Or 3. I must ask you to leave, and I am not talking about leaving the country, I mean leave the planet. We no longer want you here anymore if you will not behave.

What you do not realize is that most of the innocent people want you to kill them, because they have had enough of you killing us all anyway.  I find this quite sad, but I do see their point. If you do kill us all, at least then you have nothing left to control, or any bad people left.  This means game over for both. I would prefer to call for a STALE MATE, this way both sides win, and no side loses, and no small groups have any control, but all the people will have control, and have a voice and an opinion, with an even balance between all of us. 

One idea I have is to separate us, either we on the top half or bottom half of the world, it does not matter.   This way you can run things the way you choose, and we can also do the same.  But all technology will be shared between both sides.  And all weapons of mass destruction will be removed from society.  Only the leaders, i.e. the geniuses and the most wise will be able to have all the face to face contact with both sides. In other words, these will be the people that are allowed to come and go between one another and discuss matters without any harm coming of them. If the innocent people choose to go over to your side, they will be allowed to, but at their own risk. Vice versa with your people, but they also will be coming over at their own risk.  Any killing of our innocent people will not be tolerated, and a harsh punishment will be in place for those who do commit such a crime.  If one of our people goes to your side and gets killed, we’ll have to see this as a consequence of the choice and risk that they took. If you kidnap our people to bring them to your side, If and when the people are caught, they also will be punished as we see fit. Of course, they will not be killed.  Living with what one has done is a far greater punishment than dying.

I have many more other ideas that require the opinions of everyone; there will be no one-sided discussions. All things brought forward by the people will need to be agreed upon by the wisest of people, and based entirely on common sense. You know who I am, and you know where I live, and possibly even know my number. I am not hiding any more, and I have no fear of you.  Fear can only be feared by itself. You people keep on creating people like me, and others like me, to come forward and speak out against you. So I must ask, why keep on creating something, only to keep on destroying it again?  I have given you your options, which one you choose, is up to you. I know you also do not negotiate with terrorists that like to blow things up and kill people, but will you negotiate with a man for peace?  It’s you’re move. My heart is as big as yours, if not bigger.

For the innocent people of the world…

The time is now for standing up. I have been standing up against bullies all of my life, now I am standing up to the biggest bullies of the world, with no fear. We all have an opposite within this world, and my opposite is trying to control you at the moment. My opposite is teaching you all how to die, whereas I and many others can teach you how to live. The only choice you need to make is which side of the fence you wish to sit on. I have all the patience in the world, my opposite’s patience is wearing thin, and even he/she will be watching to see if you people can make up your mind and which side you choose. If we lose, it was a good game, and I always enjoy a good game. All I want is for you all to be happy, and never forget to keep on trying. Trying is all that counts, so never give up.

As a gift to all of you, I will give you the answer to the infinite universal question that may have puzzled most of you.  For those who have not heard this question, think about it before reading the answer ;)

There is one thing that EVERY person CAN DO, to make the world a better place, if not perfect. What would it be?

The answer is helping.  You were supposed to figure it out for yourselves, but at this rate, it could take forever. Helping is the only thing that causes us to evolve. If nothing helped, including all animals and plants, nothing would survive. Everything is here to do a job, and no matter how big or small, it is all helping with the great cycle of life. Everything living does this; plants, animals, even you, without being aware of it. We are all the caretakers of this world, if we all do not take care of it well, then it dies. That is no good to any of us. The best thing about humans is that we can become aware of what it is that we are doing. It is completely impossible not to help, because even if you die you are still helping, by keeping others within a job. Even if you are literally unaware, you are still helping, and it goes so much further than this again. Now that you are aware of doing this and helping, are you going to help my voice be carried across the globe, or are you joining my opposite’s side to continue with killing innocent people?

The choice is now in your hands. The worst thing they can do is kill us all, but have no fear, as there is just more life to be created again. There is no such thing as death. Death is something my opposite has been teaching you. Many people like me can show you that you can choose to die whenever you wish, or live as long as you wish.  We will most likely get back here again, and do this all over if they destroy us. But I cannot see that happening; otherwise my opposite will lose as well. We will get it right once within the infinite of space/time, the odds are in our favor, no matter how many times we lose. In the end it's not even about winning, it’s all about bringing back the balance with our opposites, so we all have a fair go. You people are the ones you have been waiting for. This is not about me; it is about all of us, striving for a better future for our children and our children's children and so on. This will not happen overnight, but it can happen if we don't give up. This is only a psychological game we are playing with our selves; this is what it takes to play chess. And this is what it takes to create a STALE MATE in the game; to make both sides have nowhere to move, creating a balance wherein both sides need to come to an arrangement of living. 

Will this message get banned and deleted (which might be the case)? I hope not. All I ask of you is to keep carrying my voice, and flood this message on every site you can. It will eventually keep on carrying across the globe. You are quite welcome to make the choice not to help. I believe that my opposite trying to control will be waiting to see which side you all choose as well. So do this for both of us, and most important, do it for your selves, and our children. If they shut the Internet down then print this, and spread it by word of mouth, this will be just as effective. I will post a video on YouTube as well, (for the second time). The first time only got 169 views and stopped.  Funny, that all the people that replied, supported it, but yet most did not spread it? Most of you know I like to give everyone 3 chances in life. Now is the second chance for the video, but 1 more chance is left for you innocent people.  

Good luck to you all, my heart and love goes to each and every one of you, to give you the strength to see this through. I have used my heart and intuition to guide me all my life, now it is time for yours to lead you. :)

P.S. In case you think I am crazy for doing such a thing, then if loving all of you is crazy, then yes, I am crazy.  (Crazy Little Thing Called Love).

Would You Like To Know More? 

Here is a link to one of the many weapons my opposite has been using against all of you.
Here is another link to thousands of articles, to find anything you need to know.

I now have a new YouTube account open with my plea for compassion on there.



  1. ~I agree Perfect with your message to the world over!!!~
    "The answer is HELPING, HELPING is CARING about LIFE~!!~"

  2. Hello again NemoTheCaptain,

    Thank you, And yes now you know the answer :)

    Take great care buddy, to you and your family


  3. Thank you very mach

  4. Hello anonymous,

    Your welcome :)

