Three Videos To Watch, If You Are Not fully Awake yet...
First To Watch. This video is to learn a little about our true history, A must watch to understand the next video.
The Illuminati Exposed! 50 Year old recording
Second video to watch. This video is a catch up for who is in control today, and a way to break free.
Monopoly - Who owns the world? Documentary by Tim Gielen.
Third video to watch. This one will blow your mind, this is a 1200 year old lie. And was also why I wrote the secret to healing ourselves. I hope you enjyed learnig something new. If you didn't, then that is fantastic, and sorry for wasting your time.
This video you will need to scroll down on the website, to the 5th video tittled,
Germs and Viruses Debunked.
Take great Care, the only way we can win this battle, is if all the religious people believe in a good god, or bad god, all they have to do is rise. The majority will win. My guess, there are far more that follow a good god, than bad. Good luck to all...and most important, Do Not Comply...
Love to all,